Full Payment Plan or 8-Month?




Meets 4 Days A Week


Full Year Tuition

+ Enrollment Fee



Meets 2 Days A Week


Per Course / Full Year

+ Enrollment Fee



Meets 4 Days A Week


Per Course / Full Year

+ Enrollment Fee

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Meets 4 Days A Week



$293 75


A convenience fee will be applied to all credit card transactions. ACH withdrawals have no fee.

Down Payment / Monthly Payment is per student.



Meets 2 or 4 Days A Week


A convenience fee will be applied to all credit card transactions. ACH withdrawals have no fee.

Step1: Add costs of all students’ courses

Step 2: Subtract $350 for down payment per student

Step 3: Divide remaining balance by 8 for monthly payment

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Full Payment Deadline:   August 4, 2023
Down Payment Deadline:   August 4, 2023

Extra Expenses

Important Financial Dates

Application Window April 2, 2024 - July 12, 2024
Tuition Assistance Application Window April 2, 2024 - June 30, 2024
Full Payment Tuition Withdrawn August 2, 2024
Full Payment Refund Deadline August 7, 2024
$350 Payment Plan Downpayment Withdrawn August 1 or 15, 2024
Tuition Loan Cancellation Deadline 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Tuition Discounts & Credits

(Request on enrollment form)

10% Tuition Discount

for any family who pays in full in August (Minimum of $2,000 in Total Tuition)

ACTIVE Military and Reserves

(retired not eligible) 10% tuition discount.

FPA Alumni (Parent)

10% tuition discount; must have attended FPA full-time for at least 2 years.

Family Referral

$50 per family that enrolls at least one student. Enrollment Fee credited toward tuition for family that refers the most students overall (minimum of 5).


Student must be attending FOUR COURSES OR MORE (K-5 Included) to be considered.

Recognizing that finances do play a role in your family's education, and that tuition is an investment in the lives of your children, FreedomProject Academy offers a needs-based Tuition Assistance program to assist families who demonstrate a financial need. FreedomProject Academy is partnered with Blackbaud Financial Aid Management, an organization that provides detailed assessments about the financial need of each applicant family. These reports help our Tuition Assistance Committee determine which students are eligible for tuition assistance and to what degree. An applicant must be enrolled, the enrollment fee ($250) must be paid, and courses selected to be considered for tuition assistance. New families with K-5 students will need to have placement test scheduled.

Cost to submit an application is $35 per family. Possible financial disbursements are determined ONLY when ALL required material has been submitted. Once a decision has been reached, an email will be sent either awarding or denying assistance. Those families awarded tuition assistance must confirm acceptance of the funds within two weeks via Blackbaud Financial Aid Management. Financial assistance scholarships are granted on a financial needs basis. FPA’s Enrollment Fee, and the Tutoring Fee are not included in the tuition assistance or reimbursed. Recipient can NOT receive tuition discounts in addition to financial assistance. The highest amount of Tuition Assistance a family can receive is 50% of the cost.

It may take up to 2 weeks to process tuition assistance applications, so applying early is strongly recommended.

Eligibility : Student must be enrolled full-time (minimum of $2,000 In total tuition due)

Tuition Assistance will be awarded in June.

IMPORTANT: Families who receive Tuition Assistance can’t receive the 10% Full Payment Tuition Discount.
FPA has partnered with BlackBaud Tuition Management to manage tuition and fees. It provides automated payments, text and email reminders, 24/7 customer support and tax documentation for all states that allow private school deductions.

When a family sets up their BlackBaud Tuition Management account they’ll be required to pay a $250 enrollment fee per student. They will also require a parent/guardian to select an 8-month Tuition Loan or full payment option for tuition. A 2.85% convenience fee will be applied to all credit and debit card transactions. ACH withdrawals have no fee. The 1st ACH withdrawal may require a 3-5 day verification process.

CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION:  By creating a BlackBaud Tuition account and selecting an 8-month Tuition Loan you agree to fulfill all required payments and acknowledge that failure to do so will result in legal action on the part of FreedomProject Academy (American Opinion Foundation) to pursue monies owed.

If opting to pay for tuition in full, payment will automatically withdraw from the financial account provided in Blackbaud Tuition Management on August 2, 2024.

Full payment will be withdrawn on August 4th. Families have until (August 7th) to claim a full refund. After that time, a family can withdraw up until the Friday before the first day of school by 4pm CT and receive a 50% refund on tuition. No refunds will be issued once the first day of school commences or students complete at least one week of an Anytime Course.

For the convenience of families, FreedomProject Academy offers an 8-month Tuition Loan for families who enroll their student(s) in at least two courses. A $350 non-refundable down payment will be withdrawn from a student's Blackbaud Tuition Management account on 8/1/23 or 8/15/24. Following that time, the tuition loan may be cancelled up until the Friday before the first day of school by 4pm CT. After that time, families are responsible for ALL committed monthly loan payments for the full academic year regardless of enrollment status. (i.e. Student withdraws or audits).

All families opting for an 8-month Tuition Loan must set up an automatic monthly loan withdrawals from a Checking or Debit/Credit Card through Tuition Management. Any other payment method attempted will result in the student(s) being withdrawn from FreedomProject Academy and the forfeit of all committed monies.

*A 2.85% convenience fee will be applied to all credit and debit card transactions. ACH withdrawals have no fee* The 1st ACH withdrawal may require a 3-5 day verification process.

A $350 non-refundable down payment will be withdrawn from a family’s Blackbaud Tuition Management account on August 1st or August 15th, 2024. Following that time, the tuition loan may be cancelled up until the Friday before the first day of school by 4pm CT. After that time, families are responsible for ALL committed monthly loan payments for the full academic year regardless of enrollment status. (i.e. Student withdraws or audits).

Anytime courses will be fully refunded within 72 hours of payment. A 50% course payment will be refunded if student has attempted 5 lessons or less within 30 days of purchase. Anything more is not eligible for refund.

FreedomProject Academy requires a non-refundable enrollment fee of $250 per student. The enrollment fee will be paid by creating a Blackbaud Tuition Management account after completing the Student Application. Payment of the enrollment fee also applies to families who disagree with placement test results and choose to withdraw before or after classes begin. NO REFUND WILL BE ISSUED. Although remittance of the enrollment fee is not a down payment of tuition, it does guarantee the student a seat in an available course, but not in a specific section (day and time of class).

A $75 credit will be issued in Blackbaud Tuition Management if only registering for ONE junior high or high school course.

FPA offers two optional Family Tutoring Packages for 3rd-5th grade and 6th-12th grade students in various subjects including: English, Math and Science. Group tutoring sessions meet every Friday throughout the school year. The Tutoring Package can be selected on the Resource Board in your Parent Blackbaud account any time during the school year.

FPA offers One-On-One Tutoring for all ages and subjects. Spots must be reserved online through a $50 Buy Now with an appointment request form found on the Resource Board in the Parent Blackbaud account.

FPA goes to great lengths to ensure that textbooks are free from Common Core, are factually accurate, contribute 
to a Classical education, and embody the values central to our program. FPA does not supply textbooks for students. FPA’s partnership with book providers has made the process of ordering books simple and convenient for parents. 

Courses may be selected after you create a Blackbaud Tuition Management account, provide financial information, and make the payment of the $250 enrollment fee. At that point, you may make course requests and then submit any required placement tests. Entering the course request holds a spot for your child in the course. Once courses are approved by FreedomProject Academy administration, the student will be locked into the requested course sections.

Tuition Cost Estimator - Elementary

How many students are you enrolling? ($250 Non-Refundable Fee Per Student) *Not included in Tuition Loan
How will you be paying?

$250 Non-refundable Fee Per Student (not included in Tuition Loan)

$2700 per Course

Averaging $225 book cost per course